Our Hope for you—is to Discover “Your” church. We realize there are no perfect churches but there is a perfect church just for you.
Our Purpose—is Connect together with Christ. Our one true desire is to be a church of authentic FOLLOWERS of Jesus.
This means we ask you to Follow then see your life change. We do not ask for you to change and be like us then FOLLOW.
So no matter how you believe you are welcome at CGC and we desire to connect with you.
Our Theme—”Everyone is welcome, nobody is perfect, anything is possible.”
Our Greatest Joy—to see someone like you grow in your faith and experience the life of Christ in your own heart and family. We are so excited for this!
Our Affiliation—CGC is one of over 400 churches in the Oklahoma District of the Assemblies of God.
We are a part of a world wide movement of over 3 million constituents. Learn more at AG.org