Sunday Morning groups
We have something for everyone
from kids to adults!
Sunday Mornings 9:45am
Men's Group
If you are a Man this group is for you! From golf outings to deer camp! LETS BE MEN FOR GOD!
Women's Group
Discover new relationships,
Make everlasting memories and dive deeper into being a Daughter of the KING!
At CGC we believe that all of us grow when we are in a small group
where we can learn and ask questions.
Every teacher knows students learn when there is a
freedom to interact and get the answers that is needed.
That’s what Group Life is all about.
These Groups vary in ages, topics, and location. You will have the
freedom to choose the one that fits you best. Get connected to Group Life
Group 55 or older who
will out party the youngens!
Join us as we go through the good times together!
Middle age crisis can have its moments, but this group can make those moments worth it! don't worry age 30 to 55 we've still got it!
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